Two adults and a group of children sitting at a table in a classroom.
A child holding a wreath that says "First day of school."
Two adults and a group of children sitting at a table in a classroom.
A child holding a wreath that says "First day of school."

A Kindergarten in a Refugee Camp


Regular price $60.00

There are few bright spots for children in the Sabra/Shatila refugee camp in Beirut. Since 1950, the Joint Christian Committee for Social Service in Lebanon (JCC) has been one of them. JCC’s kindergarten for refugee children aged 3 to 6 is a happy and colourful haven where children can begin their education. The kindergarten recently had to move to a new and more expensive location, and increased rental costs, essential renovations, and skyrocketing inflation are making it difficult to buy educational materials like books, paper, and art supplies.

Your Gift of $60 will provide school supplies to help refugee children take their first steps toward a better future.