How It Works
The United Church of Canada developed Gifts with Vision in response to requests to be able to give gifts to relatives, friends, and loved ones that directly support projects developed by the church's Mission and Service partners.

Browse the Gifts
Browse the Gifts and choose those that suit the people on your list. You will find gifts in a variety of categories to suit the interest of each recipient, in a choice of dollar amounts.

Choose Your Gifts
Use the “Add to Cart” button to select the Gifts you wish to purchase. Once you've added all your Gifts, visit your cart to be taken to our secure donation checkout.

Share the Gifts
When placing your order, you’ll be able to add an eCard, including a delivery date, for each gift. Just select the “Send an eCard for this gift” button, located directly above “Add to cart.”
Thanks for your support!
The United Church of Canada provides Mission and Service support to partners for their ongoing work in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, and right here in Canada. Gifts with Vision turns gift-giving into an opportunity to do something extra for our church partners. Through Gifts with Vision, you give gifts to friends or family to support specific partner activities—and you are transforming the world, one gift at a time.
Please note: No money raised in this project supports the United Church’s annual Mission and Service funding, except for direct gifts to Mission and Service through Gifts with Vision. Amounts donated are forwarded to our partners quarterly, minus the cost of printing and distributing the catalogue (up to 10 percent.)